10/07  Siena, Italy

07 Oct 1985, Posted by Scott An Chora in Travelogue, No Comments.

10/07 Siena, Italy

I had earmarked a hostel on the outskirts of Siena but the travel guide didn’t provide a good description of how to get there.  I asked a young lady who was sitting across from me on the train if she knew the best way to reach this destination.  She made a few attempts to explain but probably the combination of her hearing herself and the expression on my face persuaded her to just show me, so I followed her off the train.  She explained that she was teacher and was early for class so she had some time to walk me across the city.  She played tour guide and explained some of the sights along the way.  Once we reached the other side of Siena she had written me out directions and placed me on a bus.  Too bad she had a husband at home.  We’ll it turned out that I ended up at the hostel before it opened its doors so I took advantage of the surroundings and took a stroll through the vineyards.  Beauty surrounded my every step.  There was peacefulness about it.

I noticed an elderly lady maintaining a garden adjacent to the local hostel and inquired when it would open its doors.  She explained that wasn’t going to be open for a few hours.  I explained that it was rather hot outside and asked if I could be allowed to dwell inside so I could catch up on some writing.  She agreed and let me in.  I was sitting inside while others gathered outside in the sun.  I claimed a room, washed my clothes in a nearby sink and then headed back down stairs.  I met up with a group of travelers and we ended up migrating across the street where we could sit down and get some food.  Once finished we wandered down through the fields of grapes.  We sat down on one of the many hills and watched the sun set in the distance.

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    Usually behind a cup of coffee waiting for the world around me to wake up I entered today’s thoughts about yesterday’s activities into my travel journal. I’m not a writer, so I’ll apologize in advance if I jump around or seem confused. These are just the thoughts of a young man who left his possessions behind and who believes that getting lost is how one finds oneself.

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